life MOVES fast
PHOTOgraphs BY Andy Rounds
Andy Rounds is an amateur photographer living in Sonoma, California. The focus of much of his photography is his teenage son, Cameron. However, the lens will travel and this website is a place to store, share and remember some of those captured moments.
Not every swing is a hit and not every picture is perfect, but I do try to improve and tell a story with every photo I take. My main target, Cameron, is patient and even supportive. He has been a joy to watch and photograph as he grows into a fine young man.
baseball 2023
Recent photographs
Photos are metaphors, making the abstract concrete and mystifying the mundane. It’s so easy with a digital camera to spray and pray the trigger, hoping the camera captures something good. But the goal is to use the camera as an artistic eye to capture a moment in time using light, framing and emotion. My goal is to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself.